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New Mexico


Retro-Rockets sterling silver jewelry is inspired by the imagery of the Golden Age of Science Fiction, Retro-Rockets™ Space Jewelry captures the excitement and adventure of a time when space exploration was confined to the imagination!

Please browse our complete in-house jewelry line of Sterling silver pins, pendants, and earrings with Swarovski garnet crystal flame, orange cubit zirconia, or abalone accents. The sleek designs of our Retro-Rockets will delight and engage any science fiction fan. We will also be writing about science fiction culture and news as well as all the latest big news in real life rocketry.


About Ruidoso Metalworks

About the team at Ruidoso Metalworks responsible for making Retro-Rockets. News in manufacturing and real space exploration.

Starship Jewelry

Harry Topley

Starship Pendant

Starship Pendant

Long-time Retro fans will have noticed, and some of you may have wondered, if Retro-Rockets is inspired by the Golden Age of Science Fiction (arguably the past), why are we designing Spaceship and Starship jewelry on new and future designs? Well it’s two-fold really, first we are incredibly excited to see a revived interest in manned space exploration. Secondly it brings us so much joy to see how these new designs have come full circle to the designs of the golden age. When we saw the first test rockets landing vertically to be reused we felt like we were living in the world of Rocketship X-M. With talk of going to the Moon again and Mars it stirs up all those old questions. Even with the robotic surveys we’ve done. Maybe they missed something our Human senses would see, maybe there is something there to find that someone or something left behind.