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New Mexico


Retro-Rockets sterling silver jewelry is inspired by the imagery of the Golden Age of Science Fiction, Retro-Rockets™ Space Jewelry captures the excitement and adventure of a time when space exploration was confined to the imagination!

Please browse our complete in-house jewelry line of Sterling silver pins, pendants, and earrings with Swarovski garnet crystal flame, orange cubit zirconia, or abalone accents. The sleek designs of our Retro-Rockets will delight and engage any science fiction fan. We will also be writing about science fiction culture and news as well as all the latest big news in real life rocketry.


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The Guardians are Back!

Harry Topley

Oh what a weekend we had! A handful of great movies flashed over our screens this weekend, but we're here to talk about one in particular. The Guardians of The Galaxy: Volume 2 was an epic space romp! We were left breathless and sides hurting from the comedy, and were definitely star-struck by the glorious alien worlds and space travel this time around. Our heroes are joined by old frenemies Nebula, and Yondu (with ravagers in tow), as well as some new faces like Mantis an empathic alien with cute antennae and big doe eyes. This movie definitely breaks the trend of weaker sequels, the action is better, the comedy just keeps rolling, and the villain stirred a lot more emotions up than Ronan did in the first entry. Baby Groot comes close to stealing the show. several times, but every character ALMOST does this at some point in the movie. The only character who felt underserved was Gamora, who's only got enough time in the film to just barely start dropping her guard against Peter Quill, she's still out of his reach though nothing really happens with their relationship, but that's okay. Every other character has enough going on, and Peter in particular has some...personal issues to sort through in this movie so his focus isn't on romance.

What keeps popping up is the comedy though. From Baby Groot's Opening dance number, all the way to the last teaser in the credits the comedy just keeps coming. Where the first guardians would toss a joke and just leave it in our laps the second iteration throws the audience a joke, and just before it lands in our laps another character picks it up and runs with it; often managing a few lateral passes too. We can see these characters are really starting to build real relationships with each other due to this comedic snowballing. They jab at the members of their team with familiarity. Jokes that would've ended in a fist fight when they first met now just bring the crew closer together.

We give The Guardians of The Galaxy: Vol. 2 our seal of approval.