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New Mexico


Retro-Rockets sterling silver jewelry is inspired by the imagery of the Golden Age of Science Fiction, Retro-Rockets™ Space Jewelry captures the excitement and adventure of a time when space exploration was confined to the imagination!

Please browse our complete in-house jewelry line of Sterling silver pins, pendants, and earrings with Swarovski garnet crystal flame, orange cubit zirconia, or abalone accents. The sleek designs of our Retro-Rockets will delight and engage any science fiction fan. We will also be writing about science fiction culture and news as well as all the latest big news in real life rocketry.


About our Retro-Rockets

Retro-Rockets blog about our products and the inspirations behind them. News about Retro-Rockets and blogging about Science Fiction can be found here.

The Good, the Bad, and the Funny

Harry Topley

We were stuck in what seemed like an infinite loop, of trying to catch movies at the theater, and missing them. But thanks to some clever engineering and good timing we've managed to catch up. So without further ado, our short and sweet reviews of Alien: Covenant, Valerian and The City of 1,000 Planets, and The Orville.

Alien: Covenant was promised by some reviewers to finally close a lot of loose ends in the Alien universe...NOPE. We left wondering how that was supposed to answer anything other than why aren't there Engineers running around the galaxy anymore? And how many bad choices must a crew make in order to create danger in well thought out space thrillers? The whole thing left us feeling a little underwhelmed.

Valerian and The City of 1,000 Planets on the other hand was great fun to watch, visually speaking, and the opening sequence about the creation of space station Alpha hit us right in the feels. but (spoiler alert) we spent hours afterwards wondering how exactly the relationship between main characters blossomed from "I can barely stand you" to "sure let's get hitched" without any real romance or bonding in between...but the movie sure was pretty.

And last but certainly not least The Orville, has given us two decent offerings, a premier pilot and a second episode, both of which delivered good laughs at the sci-fi tomfoolery of an odd-couple divorced first and second in command, and plenty of strange alien types. Seth McFarlane is up to his usual sophomoric level of humor, but there's a few higher level laughs to be had. So far we are enjoying.